by BTW Co.
6 years ago
\(^-^)/ Hi friends! I just wanted to pop in, say "hello" and share my honest to goodness recent favorite. I can not go a single shower without my leave-in conditioner now. I've been using it for over 6 months and truthfully, it HAS been life changing for my hair. If you are looking for a product to help with coarse gray hair, dryness or frizz, our leave-in really does do the job.
Why is it so great? Well, it does a few thing extremely well:
1. It makes hair dramatically softer. It's really remarkable.
2. It combats coarseness. We all know that gray hair in particular can develop a coarse texture, and Life Changing Leave-In counter-acts coarseness and....
3. ...It reduces frizz! Our leave-in improves the hair that just won't act like you want it to. If you have damaged hair from heat-styling or styling products, this product can really help.
4. Most amazingly - it works with all hair types! There are dozens of different types of hair, and we have not found one yet that Life Changing Leave-In does not work with.
We really think that if you try Life Changing Leave-In, you will absolutely love it!

Thank you everyone, for all of your support - from the very first day I posted, announcing that I was going to try to grow my gray hair out, to today. You've all be amazing to me. ☺️🙏 Love you and talk soon!